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Encrypting files is good to keep things from seeing what is inside the files. This is a quick introduction on how to encrypt and then decrypt a file. This will be using symmetric encription which only requires a password to encrypt and decrypt a file.

Steps to encrypt a file

  1. Install gnupg(GNU Privacy Guard) with: sudo pacman -S gnupg
  2. Go to a safe directory and do the following
    1. Open a new file the name ‘junk_file’ in the nano editor with: nano junk_file
    2. Type some stuff into the file
    3. Ctrl+O and ‘enter’ to save(aka “write out”) the file(You can see that command in help of bottom of screen)
    4. Ctrl+X to close nano
  3. Enrypt the file with gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 junk_file
    1. gpg = GnuPG program you installed in step 1
    2. –symmetric = parameter saying to use symmetric encryption
    3. –cipher-algo AES256 = parameter saying what encryption algorith to use.
    4. junk_file = path/name of the file to be encrypted
  4. Create a password when prompted
  5. A file is created in the same directory as the original file with a .pgp extension. So there will now be a junk_file.pgp file. Use cat junk_file.gpg to view the contents of the encrypted file
  6. Delete the original file with shred -u junk_file
    1. shred = overwrites the file with random data
    2. -u = “unlinks” the file by deleting it
    3. junk_file = path/name of the file to be shred

Steps to decrypt a file

  1. Decrypt the file with gpg --decrypt junk_file.gpg > whatever-new-file-name.txxt

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