
I’ll be putting stuff here about Todoist and Logseq. Plus other tools! And other stuff. Randomness.

Other Pages

Images I Made

Which zone are ya in? Which zone are ya in? Which zone are ya in? This image illustrates the concept of personal development zones represented as concentric circles. The innermost circle is the "Comfort Zone," colored in blue, where individuals feel safe and at ease. Surrounding it is the "Fear Zone," in purple, which represents the initial discomfort and self-doubt when stepping out of the comfort zone. Beyond this is the "Learning Zone," colored green, where growth through acquiring new skills and experiences occurs. The outermost layer, the "Growth Zone," in red, symbolizes achieving personal development and realizing potential. A black arrow starts from the "Comfort Zone," passes through the other zones, and points outward toward the "Growth Zone," emphasizing the progression toward self-improvement. The words "Art by" are noted in the lower-right corner.

Images I’m Amused By

A meme showing a character resembling Morpheus from The Matrix, wearing sunglasses, with an open mouth as if speaking. The text above reads: "NEOOOOOOOO WAKE UP FROM YOUR COMFY OFFICE JOB AND ACTIVE SOCIAL LIFE YOU'RE A HUMAN BATTERY NEO COME LIVE IN A CAVE WITH US AND EAT PORRIDGE SLOP.